author note: last time i’ve been punished by this kind of punishment was back 20 years ago..when i was in primary school..n recently i’ve been punished during my master’s..adeii…shame on me:p
hmm…last saturday, me n few of my classmate have been locked..nothing extraordinary huh? but the thing is we’ve been locked from inside..means tht we’re outside the lecture room..
actually it was happened unexpectedly..whereby..when i was passing the class room, the door is still open..but i’ve decided not to enter the class room yet since the lecturer was not there…(whispering inside: eh lecturer ni lg lmbt rupenye..:p) ..on my way to the toilet, i hv to pass by a discussion area..where were my colleague was gossiping lepaking..n me also join the group n we were discuss something related to our managerial economics was few minutes discussion anyway..and i’m heading to the toilet just to wash my hand..surprisingly, when we want to enter the class room, it was locked from inside..and we can hear sounds of laughing..hmmmm..
to cut it short..(if am not mistaken, almost half an hour we’ve been locked..dlm hati dh riang ria nk balik jek..ekeke;p) the lecturer was asking our fren inside to sms us..if we want to get in..find out the way..still in blur mode, we asked mak guard to open the door..n we’ve been told that the lecturer was punish us for coming late to the class…hellooo..we were earlier than the lecturer ok..huh..seriously we were mad..but thinking of the power of the lecturer..sabo je la..we dont want to be ‘failed’…
mcm ni pnya lecturer pn ada ka..if they want to punish us for our mistake, it doesnt matter..but b4 doing hv to be punctual la at the 1st place….but then..just think in a positive way…he is our lecturer n we already take n share his knowledge..smga dihalalkan segala ilmu..amin..

~bkn dgn mereka ini aku dikunci sekadar gbr ler gengs aku yg pling rapat..kitorang 1 class since our 1st sem....seme otak giler2 gk..xde ler boring kami nk mengabiskan lecturer yg more than 5 hrs tu kan..lecturer ngajo..kami dok kruk krak kruk krak..mkn jajan..ekeke:p~
p/s: sekadar luahan perasaan yg pd mulanya sgt xpueh towards the end..redha…ujian dr Allah..
p/s2: curious gk..dh last class b4 the exam..dia baru nk buat punishment cenggini..but thanks to him least..during my last semester..i was given a chance to experience it..hehe..:p
p/s3: terasa mcm zaman study degree jek..time jadi student mmg cenggitu le layanannya..maklum ler..bdk2 lg masa tu..muda remaja gitu..ahaksss