Friday, August 7, 2009

vote for aQeel

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yeeehaaaa..mari la mari..kita mengundi..(sila nyanyi dgn sedap ok:p)..

vote utk contest My Cute Lil Prince yg MamaAqish buat dh dibuka utk undian..

so ape lagi...sudi2 la kiranya korang vote utk prince charming kesayanganku ini...plssss..hehehe..
utk vote for aQeel..korang taip

dan anto ke comment box kt sini -> sile klik ok

p/s: adeiii..ibu dia yg over raih undi nih..ekekek:D


atie said...

Kaktie dah vote pagi tadi suziey, semoga aqeel menang yer

Suziey Ahmad said...


tenkiu kak tie...

intanurulfateha said...

.hee klu vote aqeel, kite dpt adiah x? ;p

oli said...

dah vote untuk aQeel...harap aQeel boleh menang

malinasiam said...

demi kwn ku yg slalu gosip ngn aku
akn ku vote utk aqeel
idup geng gediks
tetiba kan
dnt wory aku vote utk aqeel

mamaarifakeemaisy said...

pepagi dh vote 4 aQeel yg cute.. :)
hopefully nnti auntie leh nek kete tu ngn aQeel..heheh..

Z.u.r.a and I.w.a.n said...

unty dah vote utk aqeel ye...

~kiss unty tau....muahhhhhhhh

MiJa said...

aQeel jgn lupa bwk auntie miJa dalan2 yer!!dh janji kan??ekekek

Ummi Eisya&Amani said...

ummi dah vote for aqeel..aqeel nanti bawak eisya nak kete tau..jgn bawak naik motor lak..kang jadi mat rempit macam ibu mu tu..hahahaaaa(jgn mare ye..)

UmiIzz said...

ok,jom vote utk danish,nnt danish vot aqeel yang comel tu.. =)

e.l.i.z.@ said...

yess..pasti eli vote utk aQeel yg hensem ni

Ummi Shira (AshAnas) said...

okies... nnti shira gi ngundi tau! nk jelajah blog kengkawan yg join contest ni gak...

Corey said...

ok nak pegi gerak gempur mengevote now :)

A.H.A.D said...

orait setel..dah vote utk aqeel..

gd luck 2u cute boy!

Elena said...

ko rasuah lah dulu barang seratus dua...hari2 den vote.

Zue AnnaLeeya said...

ok.. dah vote utk aqeel.. gud luck aqeel.. chaiyok chaiyok!!!!

Neeza.Areef said...

k wookk..nnti aku laju2 jln g sana nk vote

Rozita said...

akak udah tulun vote utk aQeel
moga dia menang ek

♥ Anje a.k.a Mama_Balqis ♥ said...

wah...rajin tol suziey bikin banner untuk Aqeel...leh jadi ahli politik ni...pandai raih undi....

ALoNa CintamaniszLite said...

Ok..achik ALoNa dah undi utk support Aqeel menang tau..semoga Aqeel berjaya.

Suziey; lepas2 ni leh hantar Aqeel audition utk iklan pampers pulak...hehe

mama tisya said...

dh vote gk utk aqeel tp td tgk tkde plak approve cz dh vote utk org lain b4 tgk die ckp sorg leh vote sekali je..good luck for aqeel

Masviona said...

comel n cute sat gi nak gi vote nih

CuTeMiUt78 said...

wah.. ada harapan menang lagi aqeel ni.. aku tak rasa mirul blh menang.. by the good luck k

attyfir said...

wokeh..kty dah vote for aqeel..gudluck.aqeel..

Sidratul Muntaha said...

aku dh vote dah!!

De' Sal said...

Sorry yer suzie kak sal tak ada peluang lagi nak vote aqeel sebab kena vote satu jer kan....lain kali yer...akak vote mana yang terdahulu meraih undi di blog akak,baru adilkan...

mama_umar_maryam said...

ok,will vote 4 u aqeel dear

She said...

dh vote utk aqeel..gud luck!

leadleedeea said...

dah...lead da jlnkn tggjwb sbg sorg pengundi yang comelsss...muahaha~!!!

Norsyakiela said...

salam kak,kila nak vote utk aqeell,tp xtaw nak vote celah mne...maksud kila,kat mne tpmt votenye.huhuhu

rozie rahman said...

wah..aqeel byk peminat la..mesti menang lg ni.. :P

BabyIntan said...

Amboi pandainya "melobi" dak aqeel nie...macam2 "kata2 manis" yg keluar ye sayang :)

Ok aunty dah vote for u :)

Anonymous said...

persis anak mat salleh gitu...

Suziey Ahmad said...


hmm..kalu menang ade hadiah hadiah tu utk aQeel la..ekeke;D

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks for the vote oli..kalu rejeki aQeel menang la..kalu xde rejeki pn xpe..adatla tu..

Suziey Ahmad said...


ye semangat ini yg kita mau..wakaakak:p

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks so much mama..hahaa...kalu menang mama bw aQeel g mydin..nnti aQeel bw mama naik kete tu..ekekk:D

Suziey Ahmad said...


yeay..dh vote eh..ok ok nnti aQeel kiss aunty...muahhh..ekekek:D

Suziey Ahmad said...


ok ok aunty mija..aQeel xlupe..sbb aunty mija dh vote aQeel nnti aQeel bw naik kete tu..ekek:D

Suziey Ahmad said...

mrs adz:

wakakaka..lawak la wei..sempat lagi perli aku..ciss..

Suziey Ahmad said...


huhu..apekan daya hanya sekali..aQeel dh vote awal2..huhhu..sori danish..jgn mara ek..sorriiii..

Suziey Ahmad said...


heheee..tenkiu ye eli...

Suziey Ahmad said...

ash anas: for aQeel..hehe:p

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks bro..u such a good supporter..cewah..hehe:p

Suziey Ahmad said...

gee ryder:

hehe..tenkiu kak gee..yeehaaa:p

Suziey Ahmad said...


ceh..wei xbaik merasuah wei...haram tu..ekekek:D

Suziey Ahmad said...


ok tenkiu zue...thanks for your vote:)

Suziey Ahmad said...


ok...cayala wok..i loikeee...ko la sahabat dunia & blog..wakaaka;p

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks so much kak..really appreciate for the vote:)

Suziey Ahmad said...

mama aqish:

hahaaa..raih undi pnye pasal.jadi cam ahli politik la..ekekek:D

Suziey Ahmad said...


hoyeayy..tocei tocei for the vote..hehe..
uik iklan pampers? cemana nk g..ekekk:D gigih gk ni:p

Suziey Ahmad said...

mama tisya:

ok xpe..klau terima dptla vote tu ke aQeel..hehe..newy thanks for support:)

Suziey Ahmad said...


thnaks for the vote..i loikee..ekek;D

Suziey Ahmad said...


ala rejeki masing2..kot2 mirol menang kali ni..xpe..jgn sedih2..hehe

Suziey Ahmad said...


hehe..tenkiu kty..thanks for the vote..:D

Suziey Ahmad said...


ye aku tau ko dh vote.siap buat n3 kt komen box contest tuh..adeiii..sengal tau:p

Suziey Ahmad said...


xpe kak paahm..hehe..xpe..kalah menang adat la kan..

Suziey Ahmad said...

mama umar:

thnaks ye mamaumar..thanks for the vote:)

Suziey Ahmad said...

mommy mimil:

thanks for the vote..really appreciate it:)

Suziey Ahmad said...


hahaaa..iyo la..mekaseh jlnkan t/jawab sbgai pengundi yg comel..ekeke:D thanks for the vote:)

Suziey Ahmad said...


salam..thanks for the vote eh kiela..dh bole vote kan..heeh:P

Suziey Ahmad said...

ummi aqeef:

hahaaa..xtau lagi la ummi aqeef..ikt rejeki..kalu rejeki aQeel menangla..kalu x xde la..hehe

Suziey Ahmad said...


hahaa..tu ibu dia yg buat dialog..ekekek:D

thanks for the vote intan:)

Suziey Ahmad said...


haha..persis mat salleh? tang mana tu..ekeke:D

Rinna said...

Okey suziey.. Dah vote for Aqeel.. Good luck yer..

Suziey Ahmad said...


ok thanks for the vote kak:)

MuMMy 2 Haqq said...

sy pun dah vote..semoga berjaya!

Suziey Ahmad said...


thnaks for ur vote..really appreciate it :)

Haiza said...

budak comei ini telah di vote oleh saya untuk menang...ayat yang skema..moga berjaya

watie wyyn said...

sori dear..walau u kerat 18 sekalipun i tak dapek nak vote for aqeel..woohoo!

nak tau kenapa?? tunggguuuuu...

Suzi said...

aqeel, auntie dah vote aqeel tau! sbb aqeel memang comel....moga aqeel menng ok!

Suziey Ahmad said...

mama damia aka haiza:

hehe..thnaks for ur vote...really appreciate it:)

Suziey Ahmad said...


hohoho..nape wei? cis ni yg nk kerat 24 plak..ekekke;D

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks for your vote kak suzi..really appreciate it..hehee:)

Ciklinn said...

ya allah hencemmm nyer vote for aqeel...

Nani~~{@ said...

Good luck Aqeel encem:)
voted for Aqeel already k..

fa10 said...

sy dah vote utk aqeel...ramai yg vote ni..ada harapan nak menang..good luck

ummuabdullahsyaakir said...

oK nnt Auntie dtg vote yea

Good luck dear^_^

Suziey Ahmad said...

cik linn:

thanks for ur vote yek...hehe

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks nanie,.thanks for the vote too:)

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks for the vote fa10..hahaha..xtau lagi menang ke x..

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks for the vote fa10..hahaha..xtau lagi menang ke x..

Suziey Ahmad said...


thanks UAS..appreciate ur vote:)

Ibu Ajim n Kimi said...

Anw, congrate to Aqeel n Suzie skalik ler.

Suziey Ahmad said...

ibu ajim kimi:

thanks for the wish yek..hehe

Suziey Ahmad said...

ibu ajim kimi:

thanks for the wish yek..hehe

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