
contest by MomBloggersPlanet... for august 09 theme is “Cutest Baby with TOY(S)”. u gooo... my cute lil prince name is Muhammad Harraz Aqeel bin Abbashah.. he was born on 26th November 2007 (1 year 9 months)
~aQeel wth mr.popeye's leg..bdn dia ade kt gambo bwh ni..ekeek:D~
~aQeel wth mr popeye's top la..gambr di ambil masa shooting kt booth mydin USJ..tht time aQeel berumur 1 year 6 yg menjadi pilihan aQeel adlh mr popeye..even costume yg aQeel pakai pn costume mr popeye the sailor man..toot... toot..~

pd pndapat aku kan..usage of TOYS in early childhood learning sgt2 trbukti keberkesanannya..sbb kanak2 mmg xleh dipisahkan ngn toys..rite? even bed-time-story-book pn dh ade buat dlm bentuk soft toy...kbanykan objek yg ditransform ke btnuk toys sgt la popular..sbbnya..ank2 kecik ni lg mdh mengingati dan mengenali objek2 tu...and the safety of our baby pn trjamin..dgn kombinasi color yg sgt colorful mmg menarik minat si kecik..sgt attractive..BUT..we as a parents hv to monitor closely types of toys there are playing..klau kita nk beli toys utk anak2 pn harusla yg selamat kan..for me..aQeel sgt berminat ngn soft toys more than toys yg keras2 cam robot sume dr segi teksturenye mmg confrimla slamat sbb lembut aku still ensure..material dia plak..harusla yg xberbulu n mdh trcabut2 accessories kt toys tu..dgn toys tu akn membuatkan ank kita kenal bende rather than kita ajr dia tru carta2 or buku2 yg bese tu..quite dull kan...
thanks to the sponsore of the contest :
MomBloggersPlanet : : :
p/s: ade 2 lagi contest on d way to publish..hahaha..get prepare utk muntah pink..ekeke:D
p/s2: msti korang bosan asyik tgk gambo yg sama jek..huhu..tgh cari masa nk shooting gambo lain:D
gd luck yer...hiks! suka erk Aqeel ngan Bunny?
gigih weiii jgn x gigih best masuk contest utk anak2 cute...
gud luck...smoga menang lg ye...
Amboi..sgt bekerja keras utk memenangi kontes..huhu. Ye laa..masuk kontes bkn kena bayo pun kan?? Kalo menang, leh dpt hadiah..hehe..
Semoga leh menang lagi laa ye Aqeel.
heheh..contest pun ada kategori tegar tak, kalo ada kasi suziey la...heheh..pepun g.luck, pe salahnya memeriahkan suasana kan3x.. :)
mcm teruja je tgk aqeel msk contest nih,hehe,btw congr8s aqeel mng aritu!!
good luck aqeel..kalau menang ibu aqeel tersenyum lebar lagi nanti..huhu..
gud luck ye aqeell,smoga jd juara lagikkkk
tanding lagi?
moga menang lagi
wah...sangat tomei....kiter sokong aqeel...ibunyer memang rajin polish anaknyer masuk semua contest...teruskan usaha...moga menang....
contest again????
wah..mmg sgt gigih, guguh & gagah la ibu aqeel ni!! clap...clap...clap...
mmg agak boring la asik tg gambar yg sama but di tangan yg sebelah lagi bak kata org melayu or on the other hand bak kata omputeh, eyrfan & co akan memberikan vote yg padu pd setiap contest yg aqeel masuk!!!
go go go aqeel & ibu aqeel go!!!
wuih.... rajin bertanding nih. boleh masuk pilihanraya
thanks for the wish..hehe..aah tu la..suke btol dia ngn bunny tu..ekek:D
gud luck aQil....rajin mama Aqil masuk contest ye....mesti byk adiah dh kumpul ni...hehee
ye tgh gigih2 ni..hahaha..sukati aku jek..ekeek:D thanks for the wish:p
hehe..sgt gigih kan masuk contest..btol tu ..bkn kena by pn..antara rajin ngn idok je..ekekek:D thanks for the wish kak:)
hahaa..sabo je..bole create tu kategori contestor tegar..ekeekke:D aahla just memeriahkan suasana..hehe..
mama umar:
hahha..teruja ke..masukkanla umar..kot2 bole menang..hadiah dia menarik tau..hahaaa
mrs adz:
thanks for the wish yek..hehe..kalu menang harusla tersenyum lebar wei..xkan nk nangis plak..hahaaa
thanks for the wish..insyaAllah kalu ade mcm susah la..ramai yg comel2..hehe
thanks for the wish..insyaAllah kalu ade mcm susah la..ramai yg comel2..hehe
hehe..tanding lagi kak..insyaAllah kalu ade rezeki menang la..tawakal jek:)
mama aqish:
heheee..thanks for the wish mama..insyaAllah..kalu ade rezeki menang xltk harapan pn..
gud luck aQeel...eiymann pun nk join gak ni..mommy tgh gigih edit gambo ekekkek **esaimen mlm ni nk kena hantar, x siap2 lg..sibuk nk join contest ;P
eyrfan ampunya mama:
hahaaa..clap2x..big applause ok..hehe:p sgt gigih kan..padahal keje byk nih..ekekeke;D thanks for the support..yeehaa..
hahaha..rajin bertanding pilihanraya xbole sbb kempen kena baik punye..ekkek;D
thanks for the wish..hahaaa..xdela byk..sbb rajin masuk je.menang nye idok..ekkeek:D
rajin suziey msk contest yekk.. good luck aqeel..
ouh masuk gk..good luck..hehehe
hahaa sama la kita..esenment kena submit gigih masuk contest:p
hehee..rajin masuk je..menng blom tntu..thanks for the wish:)
Suke lah ngan gambor yg amik kat booth tu...ala letak byk kali pon tak kisah lah suziey, dah syarat tak kata soh letak current picture so letak lah gambor yg paling cun...kan :)
Gud luck kay sayang :)
hehe..tu mcm gambo ni yg proper dia posing..kalu x tu baju la xproper sgt..segan plak nk anto masuk contest..utk tgk bole la..hahahaa.thanks for the wish..good luck to arissa jgk:)
semoga berjaya.........go aqeel..go aqeel..go aqeel
good luck..aku nk masuk bleyYYY
salam kenal..hensem aqill.moga berjaya..
meh ke umah lak..
wah.. good luck utk ko.. aku maleh.. aarr nak join contest lagi..
hihi.sgt gigih join contest mak2 ni.hehe.ku blom wat lg yg ni..good luck aqeel comel....muahs!
gud luck suziey..ader peluang nak menang tu
Gud luck Aqeel:) suka tgk gamba Aqeel yg pakai custom tu!
takpe Suziey, pasni sure banyak gambar2 yg lagi best kan..tunggu masa je nak shooting tu! wa..x sabar tgk ibu n Aqeel jadi supermodel:))
nak join ada had umor tak ni... hamboii siap amik gambar toy separuh2 ek..hiks
ibu umairah:
thanks for the wish..hehe..gigih ni masuk contest..ekkeek;D
thanks wok..ko nk masuk ke? dh terlajak umo la wok..ekkek;D
slam kenal..thanks for visiting n thanks for the compliment..hehe..
ok nnti sy terjah:P
thanks for the wish..ala jgn ler putus asa...ko kan penjoin contest tegar..hehe
thanks US..aufa pn join kan..good luck jgk ek..hehe
thanks fot the wish ena..hehe
hahaa..tu costume studio..byr tu..ekekek:D emm tu la tunggu masa nk shooting jek..hha
join je..letk la gambo mase yaeesh baby..hehee
Heheh ibu n anak join sekali contest yea...
Good luck utk Aqeel juga...kiss dari auntie...^_^
hahhaa..tu la..skang ni musim contest jek..ekeke;D
thanks for the wish..
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