Assalamualaikum... we go..aQeel is joining the cutest baby contest again! this time, i was hearted those prizes offered by MomBloggersPlanet. Who knows perhaps aQeel will got it..hehe:p
Actually MomBloggersPlanet is having a monthly Cutest Baby Photo Contest starting June 09. Every month, there will be a different exciting theme for this contest.

June 09 theme is "Cutest Baby in RED"
1) Get a photo of your baby in RED (red dress/red shirt/red pant/red hat/red towel/red blanket… no! you can’t paint your baby in red…ha..ha..ha) -> i'm just thinking of painting aQeel in red..that should be the original cutest baby in red tho.ekek:D
2) Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in Red Contest - done!
3) Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth - done!
4) Explain why your baby should grab the title "Cutest Baby in Red" - done!
5) Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry - done!
6) Leave a comment here with link to your blog post. That’s it! Easy peasy - done!
1) Get a photo of your baby in RED (red dress/red shirt/red pant/red hat/red towel/red blanket… no! you can’t paint your baby in red…ha..ha..ha) -> i'm just thinking of painting aQeel in red..that should be the original cutest baby in red tho.ekek:D
2) Write a blog post about this contest with title MomBloggersPlanet Cutest Baby in Red Contest - done!
3) Include your baby’s photo in the post and mention his/her name and date of birth - done!
4) Explain why your baby should grab the title "Cutest Baby in Red" - done!
5) Include a link to this contest page, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders in your entry - done!
6) Leave a comment here with link to your blog post. That’s it! Easy peasy - done!
so here u go...
name: muhammad harraz aQeel bin abbashah
d.o.b: 26th november 2007
why aQeel should grab the title "Cutest Baby in Red" .....because
aQeel looks gorgeous and awesome in was hubby’s favorite color which I think it’s really suite with aQeel. aQeel is always the cutest in any color though…his baby face (of course bcoz he is a baby..ekeke:D).. definitely make me go through the day without forgetting him even for 1 second..ehemm.. :D he is enough clever whenever he saw the flash splash out, the lense focusing on him..he always give a smile exactly at the right time..some people say he is photogenic and I said yes it is..aQeel is naturally cute no matter in what condition..he always being cute :) my lil’ hero is the precious gift frm Allah to me n hubby and we’re very thankful for the great gift.. ibu n ayah love u very much son...we proud of u ;) ..even though i am not good enough in expressing something especially the feeling of being ibu of matter what i always give the best just for my aQeel...ibu sayang kamu, aQeel...
finally, thanks to MomBloggersPlanet, PhotoBook Malaysia and AliceWonders for the amazing contest....
.wahh smangat gile pegi cc :P
wei..all the best yer...rugi ar kalau x aku bleh snap picca Aqeel cantik2 ms jumpa yesterday masa singkat sgt kan..
semoga berjaya aqeel!!!!!chomellll
alala comelnyer aqeel.. gud luck ;)!
gud luck aqeel... adoyai..nk masuk jugak..sempat lg tak nih...huhu..
harharhar dari cc tuh!semangat sungguh demi contest itu..ekekek
good luck aqeel! aku xtau nama aqeel ada harraz..apo maksud eh??
wah wah wah..sgt adorable!
moga aqeel menang lg.
suziey nanti ambil kad kat blog akak
uih,smgat ibu aqeel.smpi g cc.
aqeel comel sgt la.xde can aufa nk mng ni..hahahaha
good luck
aqeel masuk contest lg...wahhh...hope aqeel the winner ye..gud luck..
Gud luck aqeel tomel! Tu dia last minute nyer entry, semangat tul mama dia ye...he he
good luck beb
gudluck for aqeel..
gOOD luCK DEaR....
tomei aarrr.. semoga kali ni aqeel menang lagi ok..
heheh..insyaAllah kalu ade rezeki aQeel:)
cutenye aQeel..
kem slm peluk cium same die.. hehehe
bila result kuar ah??
see niesot:
adeii cemana la nk sebut nama ni...:D thanks for the complimentyek..ehehe..ok ibu dia tlg jwbkan sbb aQeel xpndai ckp lagi..ekeke:D
ntah ek..aku pn xsure..hahahaa:p rs mcm ade sequel jek..sbb ade monthly theme kan:p
Aqeel memang dari tecik tomei la....badannyer sungguh gebu & Bam2...
mama aqish:
hehehe..thanks mama for the complliment
wah gigih..seb baik yaeesh tak qualify..klu tak weols pun gigih gak ni..woohoo!1-3yrs old sajork..adeh!
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