nama aku tercalon utk "Amazing Supermummy Blogger Award" oleh supermummy ...haaaaa tgk ibuaQeel pn mask gk contest2 ni kan..skang ni musim contest kot..aQeel mask baby cute contest..ibunya masuk amazing supermummy blogger award plak..adkh kami giler glamor?? ekekek:D
actually saje suka2 masuk contest2 ni kan...niat just nk support n memeriahkn lagi contest yg dianjurkan...penganjur pn msti hepi kn bila contest dia dpt sambutan..hehe..
so utk contest ni..syarat blog's readers MUST click at the banner/logo "Amazing Supermummy Blogger" yg aku dh letak kt sidebar aku tu...and dlm entry ni every single click are countable as VOTE for me..the highest clicker's blog will be in top 10 finale...ha cenggitu ler kisah ape tunggu lagi..sila2 la klik kt logo award tu yek kalu korang rs nak vote utk aku la...bak kata supermummy, "paksa or paksa rela your readers to click the banner" aku xnak paksa la kan..trpulang kat korang...aku mask pn ats dasar nk support contest ni since supermummy ni dh calonkan nama aku kan ..hehhehee :)

p/s: sudi2 la vote for me k...ur vote is highly appreciated :)
p/s2: jgn lupe vote for aQeel plak nnti..i'll disclose how-to-vote later....
p/s3: huhuh..sgt terharu...tenkiu ina aka momguess sbb buat ntry khas utk aku..ha korang bacala ape dia tulis ni ha...(ntry utk aku)
aku dah vote utk ko!!!!
wish u luck
.nnti kite vote oke~ :)
hoho..pantas kamu ye..ok tenkiu2...good luck to u too ;)
cik intanurulfateha:
ok vote jgn xvote..heheh:p
ehwah...maksu vote you!
i ler yg nominated you
mana boleh mn sorg2
kongsi2 ler
hehee..tenkiu maksu :)
Fara akan vote Suziey n Aqeel pastinye..heheh..:D
Best Of Luck..:D
ayu: wonder la..camne dia bole dpt my link..hehehe..i voted u ;)
hehehe..thanks fara...
p/s: aQeel xsabar2 nk vote for sofea utk baby Queen ;)
.eh sis
.cmne nk vote ek?
.x phm la
*pending tibe3*
hamboih sama2 masuk contest no...hehe
cik intanurulfateha:
klick je logo tu intan...every single clikck dia akn kira sbgai undian..hehehe:)
alfa juliet:
hehe..dh org invite masuk je la kan..memeriahkan lagi susana:)
wowwy...congratz arr ko tersenarai...nnti aku vote ek
suzie, aku pun dah vote utk ko. good luck
eh eh besday girl la..ekekke:P tahnks for me..cewah..raih undi gtu:p
hoho..lama xdgr cite...ok thnks for ur vote;)
dah VOTE supermummy Suziey ;)
Mak Aiii rajin benor ko masuk contest! aku vote ar!hehehe..
thanks yati;)hehe..good luck to u too..
iye le..dh org invite..aku pn malu2 kucing lajoin..ekeekk:D
ok vote vote jgn xvote:p
dah vote utk ibu aqeel...(betul ke just click logo tu????)
nak vote for aqeel tp x reti leee...
aah klik logo tu..hehe,...tenkiu..tunggu yek,...nnti akn dipost entry utk vote for aQeel ;)
good luck.ok, i da vote! good luck to aqeel too! ;)
ummi salsabila:
thnx ummi salsabila :)
sama kita vote sesama kita ya..
aah..saje suke2 kan..supporting each other gitu ;)
i dah vote...all d best!
gee ryder:
thanks kak for aQeel too ;0
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