special entry dedicated to my beloved HUBBY ;)

ehem..sape tu?? hehehe..inila cinta hatiku..cewwah ;) aku rs skali je aku buat entry utk hubby aku...tu pn mase birthday celebration dia :D the rest are my story n aQeel..ekeke:D sian hubby..ape nk buat..istrimu ini giler glamor..hahahaha:p
ok ni merngkap 2 in 1..tag sbnrnya..n as usual sesedap rasa aku edit tag nih..hehehe..xpela kan..aslkn objective (wah tag pn ade objective..ekek:D) tag ni nak tau more pasl hubby aku.. ;)
1. He's sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen? => Either news, football match or ‘forum agama’
2. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? =? Teh o ais limau
3. Where did he go to high school? => s.m.k. taiping
4. What size shoe does he wear? => 9 /10
5. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? => fishhhh ..erkk bole kira collected item ke..ekeek:D
6. What is his favorite type of sandwich? => anything
7. What would this person eat every day if he could? => sayur kangkung..hahhaah:p
8. What would he never wear? => baju spiderman..haha:p
9. What is his favorite sports team? => uish fanatic PERAK nih
10. Who did he vote for? => undi adlh rahsia..mjwb soklan x? :D
11. Who is his best friend? => a’t, shariman, mail, dlm sume2 bestfren dia ni..aku la yg paling best..ekekek:D
12. What is his favourite colour? => red
13. What is he proud of? => suzieycomei + aQeel …wakakakaka..kan dh masuk bakul:p
2. You go out to eat and have a drink. What does he order? =? Teh o ais limau
3. Where did he go to high school? => s.m.k. taiping
4. What size shoe does he wear? => 9 /10
5. If he was to collect anything, what would it be? => fishhhh ..erkk bole kira collected item ke..ekeek:D
6. What is his favorite type of sandwich? => anything
7. What would this person eat every day if he could? => sayur kangkung..hahhaah:p
8. What would he never wear? => baju spiderman..haha:p
9. What is his favorite sports team? => uish fanatic PERAK nih
10. Who did he vote for? => undi adlh rahsia..mjwb soklan x? :D
11. Who is his best friend? => a’t, shariman, mail, dlm sume2 bestfren dia ni..aku la yg paling best..ekekek:D
12. What is his favourite colour? => red
13. What is he proud of? => suzieycomei + aQeel …wakakakaka..kan dh masuk bakul:p
p/s: br aku pasan xbyk gbr hubby pose sensorang....muka aku je byk..giler glamor btol..ekekek:D
p/s: no matter what, I LOVE THIS GUY SO MUCH..uncountable... ;)
Dasar giler koser.....hahaha...
Gurau je ok!
Bagus...bagus...byk tau perihal hubby... :-)
my answer for Q 10, 11 & 13 will be me, me & me...hahahah....lg giler koser kan????
cuba citer skit camno incik suami tekel2 cik suziey
mmg gila glamer sbb nyew kita nengok pic suziey ngan aqeel jer yg ketara...ekekekeke..jgn mare..btw, aqeel masa baby sgtla tombam...rasa nak geget pp dia..:)
wah ur hubby minat bola hubby gitu2 je la..kalo moto/kete x tggl
hahahha..tu la ape nk buek..giler kosa..ekekek:D
hohohho..tu lagi giler kosa..hahahah...xsesuaiii tau:p
heheh..ok nnti sy buat entry khas plak kisah percintaan kami...cewwah;)
tunggu anniversary nnti la..ekek:D
eh xmarah la..kata la ape pn..xmarah..erkk..trkoyak plak baju nape bdn aku wrna ijo aku dh btukar ke hulk..ekekeek:D
hoho..nk geget pp aQeel..silakan..gigit dlm gbr tu je la...haha:o
aah mmg fanatik..especially kalu perak main..adeiii.xlarat layan..
ouh ur hubby giler moto2 n kete yek..wahhh slalu masuk race ke tgk race:p
ur hubby look familiar lah...
suziey ngn asben dua2 chinesse look..
mmg bini gilor glamer, dushhhhh
ampun yaaa buk
muka suziey n hubby ada2 iras...sama cantik sama padan hihihi....
hoho..familiar?? nurul kenal ke? heheh..
atty's: ke? mmg ade chinese mom..hehe..
hoho..kamu menggelakkan aku ye ina..nak kena babap nih..ekekek:D
opps..kembang dgr pujian kak suzi ni..ekekeek:D
ha tu la..ramai kata muka kami adik ckp jodoh kuat..hehhe..harap2 insyaAllah ;)
nak gak interprem muka dia tu....hahahaha...mmg gile koser...muahaha....
pasangan bahagia tul la kite tgk korg nie. Sehati sejiwa semua nape aqeel kuning..hhhehe..
anda telah di tag.. jwb jgn tk jwb..
hahahh..woooo itu musti niza..penulis entry msti enteprem walaupn sparuh bdn..ekekek:D
mmg dasar giler kose..ekeke:D
ekekek..kebtulan sume merah tu..padahal bkn hari yg sama...ekek:D
hoho..ditag..ok nnti sy amik utk peraman lagi..erkk:D
taiping? oohh, sekampung ler depa. hubby maksu is orang taiping.
>>salam suziey..
>>bukan giler glamer tapi husband kitatu yang terlalu low profile.. malu kucing kot!!..
>>fanatik perak husband orang perakker?? sameler teman orang perak..
Mak Su:
o ye ke..taiping tang mane? my hubby kt kamunting..ala taiping tu kecik jek..waahh..bole la beraya umah hubby maksu tu..erkk..raya lmbt lagi..eekek:D
Cho Zila:
ha yess btol la tu..bkn kita giler glamor kan..ekekek:D
la ater org perak jgk..bole la buat reunion perakian..hahhah:p
perak tang mana?
moga suziey & suami sentiasa bahagia dan dirahmati Allah selalu...
seronok tgk org bahagia...
amin...thanks miim..insyaAllah..
sy doakan miim jgk..bahagia dan kekal abadi sehingga akhir hayat brsama suami.;)
sama ler kita pun tak berapa byk koleksi gambo cik abg sensorang..
fav colour weols sama la!awwww..
kata suka merah sure pakai baju spiderman comey jek!hua hua hua
ehh aqeel ngan mak dia nih muka potostat laaa..
kak enn suka baby yg sepet.. tomey sangat!
hahah..ade geng rupenye..ekeek:D
tu la..gbr kite je byk kan:D
hahaha..amboih..suke merah jgk..hahah..xdpt bygla baju spiderman tuh..lawak kalu yaeesh adam pakai comel la..ekeke:D
vagg.: mother like son la kan.comel x..ekeke:D
waa suke baby sepet yek..ha cpt buat baby..pstu bile peknen tampal gbr mane2 apek ke amoi ke dkt scrin lappy..tgk ari2..sure jadi speet baby...ekekek:D
jawapan untuk no 20 : ya ayah dah baca dah..tak sangka isteri ayah ni sungguh lucu orangnya..haha..syg ibu;)soklan no 7 tu lawak sungguh..amboih..mentang2 ayah beli kangkung byk hari tu..nk jamu ari2 ek..bini sapa ni:P hehe..anyway..tq ek buat entry untuk ayah..sesusah je..tak pasal2 dah tumpang glamer kat blog ibu nih..hehe.. i love u so much 2;)
my laling:
hehehe..tenkiu krn sudi menjawb ;) hehehe..bini sapa la ni kan..ekekek:D tp btol la kan.ayh mmg suke mkn kangkung:p
i love u 2 3 4 infinity..*wink * wink;)
yup..seperti pernah kulihat..tapi dimana ya..
naurah makwa:
oopppss..di mana yeeek:D
owhhh soo sweett...
btol la kak ada readers tu ckp
akk dgn B akk cm kembo cayalah jodoh u kan kak
ekekeke;D mmg btol tu..hehee...kuat jodoh kalu muka sama kan..hehe:p
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