yessss..its weekend...definitely my cooking time..hehehe..saturday i am free to do so..lets cook!
but...........huhu..sunday ive got classes flat rate (huh..ape kejadahnya flat rate plak nih..xde kena mengena dgn ini topik..dushhh..pok dahi.. :D) actually i was trying to say tht i am having full day class..frm 9am-9pm..hmmm...(*sigh) of the obstacle i hv and i need to face on.. sian hubby kena jg msk sdp2 esok nih..(amik hati la kengkonon..ekekek:D)
so will cont. writing (isnin la kot..) i am very rarely writing during weekend..almaklumla ..klas memanjang..manela masanya nk menulis blog..harap kat opis je la.. (erkk..nmpk sgt xde kalu bos aku baca..kantoi nih.. :D )
Selamat berhujung minggu....
Ahad class ape tu..?
Huhuhu.. For my weekend pulak kene kerjaaa..:sigh: keje shift mcm ni la hendak nyer...
wah...byk betul resipi dlm blog uols...
so skang ni u still bekerja or fully housewife and partime student jek?
btw...comel bangat itu anak!
whoops lupe nak ckp.. thanx 4 visiting my blog..lets exchange link. actually i've linked ur blog already..woohoo..
happy weekend.. ;)
CoNnie: selamat la hendaknya..ekekek..
ahad nih klass operation & tech. mngmnt and subjek MIS..berasap ler otak..
o u keje shift yek..kat mane tuh?harap bersabar yek..huhu
mummYaeesh: hai mummy yaeesh..sedapla nama ank u;)
hehe..ade la bape kerat resipi2 yg i buat..suke nak share ngn sume org...i skang still keje n part time student every weekend..huhu..berat kan..
ouh thanks for the compliment:)
i pn dh link ur blog..happy blogging!!
Khas Lysha: happy weekend to u too khas...
salam suziey...nama sama ye...hihihi.
salam kenal dr akak juga. thnks singgah blog akak ye... :)
rajinnya study dihujung minggu...mesti sibuk kan??
happy birthday 28!!
semoga dimurahkan rezeki..
bley belanja aku.. hehhee ;p
suzi: eh eh..nama sama la..mcm ckp ngn diri sdiri..hehe..
hmmm agk sibuk la dihujung minggu..kelam kabut sket hidup:D
salam kenal link blog akk yek;)
fied: hohoho..time kaseh pn fiedshq:D masih ingt ngn panggilan tuh:p
insyaAllah bule je nak blanja..bile nak dtg umah aku bawa syaza
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