yesterday i baked 'kek lapis asam hawflakes'. actually it was requested by my mom since the day i baked it for the 1st time..(hehe..xsangka plak dia suke kek nih..) so rite after back to home, i leave aqeel wth his 'toys' -> which means dia pnye toys adlh brg2 org beso..such as kotak,mangkuk,senduk etc..kbnyakkannya brg dapur aku! kalu takat teddy bear tu xmain la..sat je pastu terbiar je la bende tu terkontang kanting..hmm..ok back to d know he will play around himself if provided wth those things..thus..tgkla ape dia buat ngn kotak tuh.. (quality gbr agk kureng memuaskan..)

- end aqeel's story.. pull stop.
while aqeel was doing his own job, i start my mission..and finally ive done baked the cake within 1 hr (terer x...hehe:D) actually it was very simple..only d complicated part was doing the layers..but u know me..rajin tp malas..err..meaning that i am rajin to bake the cake but malas to layering (ade ke word nih..:p) it properly :D mine-> 1 layer was as thick as kamus dewanbahasa:D so the outcome ok la..even not so cantik as original layer cake..ahaksss..;p (xkisah asalkan sedap:D) my hubby said the taste was ok..not too sweet..sedap! **toink toink toink..kembang jap..haha:D
resipinye..hanya memerlukan...
1) 220gm tepung gandum (juling mata aku nak tgk scale tuh..ade plak 20gm tuh..but mine was half superfine flour & half self raising flour -> tepung gandum xde rupenye..hhaha..xprasan:D..tu yg naik bagai juara je kek dh sejuk tu dia back to normal)
2) 220gm gula castor
3) 1 sk baking powder
4) 1 sb ovallete
5) 1/2 sudu garam
6) 1 sk essen vanilla
7) 150ml susu cair
8) 100ml minyak
9) coloring & asam hawflakes seckpnya..
10) lupe plak bahan penting... telur 5 bijik
cara membuatnya adalah dgn :
1) memukul telur dan gula hingga kembang..
2) kemudian masukkan semua bahan2 lain dan digaul hingga sebati...
3) then masukkan coloring ikt suka
4) sapu loyang dgn butter (spya xmelekat) and letak 2 senduk adunan as a 1st layer..kukus dlm 5 minit..
5) then susun asam hawflakes di permukaannya kemudian letk 2 senduk adunan di atas asam tersebut dan kukus lagi..-> repeat this step till the end.. siap!
** kek ni jenis 'berat' (lembap n padat)..its not like others cake yg gebu & 'ringan'..
ive baked 2 types..actually 1 adunan jek..but since i am using the self raising flour - > xmuat plak 1 loyang :D

hrrmmmm suziey! saya mengetag kamu.:)
wah, dh lama x menengok resipi2 suziey nih.hehehe.
maylyn: hehe..aah dh baca..tgh nak buat ler nih..jenuh nak pk lagu..errr..mcm xpaham sgt instruction no 1 tu..kena attached v.clip ke eh..hehe..apepn akn di post :)
Mija: haa tu la..lame xonline eh? blog pn lama xupdate tgk..:D
i'm back la ni..hehe
yeay mija is back..:)
suzi.. aku baru je jenguk blog ko. mak ai...rajinnyer ibu yg berkerjaya and belajar nih memasak! tokleh lawan kome ler!
camarputih: la ko aishah..xtau pn ko ade blog gk..heheh..bgus2..bole aku link kat blog aku..hehe..aku sejak pindah umah sdiri ni jek yg dtg angin rajin tuh nak kelam kabut gk la idup aku nak catch up study lg,,keje lagi..ehhheh..
suzen, pesal kek kek ko salu kaler striking2 gitu ehehhe
ki moira: oit mira..nape kek aku striking2 yek..dh nama pn kek nak nmpk kan lapisnya..kena la differentiate color dia..tu kira ok la aku dh kurangkn coloring dia..xde la sestriking apam yg aku buat before//ekekek:D
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