perhaps can see the different clearly than before :)

both 2 pictures above was before consuming HERBALIFE which is last RAYA = mata nampak mcm br lps nangis..sembap..n ade butterfly rashes kat pipi..can see the red-sih kan? that was some of SLE would definitely attack first i thought i was rabun..dah siap buat spec lagi..after checkup wth specialist then i know it was SLE symptom that affected my eyes. (click at the photo to enlarge)
and another 2 pictures was after which is i took the photo yesterday (can see the date on the pict. :D) even tho my eyes still sepet (naturally ok!) tapi xdela nmpk sembap cam br lps nangis..butterfly rashes pn dh gone!
Suzi, my sis pun sakit SLE. Sama macam ko tokleh kene matahari. Tp dia takde butterfly tuh cuma kulit kaki n tgn diala mcm kene apantah...bintik2 merah jek. kulit dia pun jd mcm lebam2 jek.. nampak tak fresh ler. Dulu jarang giler sakit skang nih jup2 jek masuk spital. Tgn pn tak kuat dah genggam. Sendi2 selalu sakit. I dun know ko pun rs sama mcm dia.
camarputih: aah i-shah..before i got to know this SLE, mmg aku sakit sendi..kulit merah2..mudah alergic..nak genggam bende mmg xleh especially subuh..but then after check up ngn doktor aku trus dpt ubat prednisilon n at the same time i got to know the HERBALIFE..alhamdulillah herbalife mempercepatkan lagi pemulihan aku..even tho not 100% cure (in fact xleh cure pn sakit ni..just bole control jek..) but now aku mmg rs sgt different..sbb even klau kita just amik ubat doktor only, lama kelamaan body kita pn akn reaction..ubat pn cam xhelps dh..sbb tu aku consume herbalife without fail..herbalife kasi aku energy n i feel much much better. somemore aku baru in the early stage which still baru giler n doc ckp can be managed..nothing to worry..but if ur sister wanna give a try..why not..just for the sake of her health at least :)
suziey...akak x taw sgt pasai SLE tp mmg nampak better la...herbalife tu pon selalu dgr..sebenarnyer tu tuk ape ek? hehe...byk tul x tau..
Kak Jun: waa kak jun..byknye soklan:D
ok ok xpe..pasal SLE ade buat entry..akk jenguk entry label info..basically dia auto imune disease yg mana antibodi sy akn laawn sume antibodi termausk antibodi sy sdiri yg diperlukan oleh problem ler tuh..lwn antidbodi sdri..herbalife tu suppliment..nutritien food utk meggantikan mknan kita yg berlemak n berminyak tuh..improve health n weight management as well..sbb tu bole kurus..nak gain weight pn bole..some more give hubby pn guna n alhamdulillah it works..skang dh stop 1 jenis ubat darah tinggi..BP dia pn dh low..(padahal darah dia bapak degil nak turun:D)nnti website herbalife dh siap sy link kan dlm blog nih..bole la melwat yek :)
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