Saturday, January 31, 2009
my new skin
Assalamualaikum.. do i look wth my new skin?? actually my hubby did comment my new look..he seems not so agree wth the color..hmm..i expect tht..he dont like also actually but i dunno y, when 1st time i saw this color, waaaa..trus admire.. :D but then, i'm thinking for new laling doesn't like it lorr... how about u?? do u like it??
Thursday, January 29, 2009
edisi lepas geram!
steambot @ tupai2
~posing dulu:D~
~hubby n aQeel~
~ni baru 1st round..many round to go:D~
~its me tgh concentrate eating..dhla dok btol2 sblh steam bowl tu..bpeluh2 i tau..panas..huhu..~
~guess what aQeel is doing? i just give him a spoon of eskrem..hoyeay..tu muka thn sejuk..grrrr..~
**end of the story..we're really enjoying the blissful nite :)
**and the day of CNY, we're having mkn2 again..ths time wth my family..i am cooking SOTO AYAM n KUAH KACANG and also CHOC MOIST CAKE :)..unfortunately, we didn't snap even 1 photo of my SOTO AYAM..huhu..nxt time la when i did it again i will remind my self to take the pohot then we can share the recipe..(it was our, me n hubby faveret tau!)

Monday, January 26, 2009
before n after ... cont'd
perhaps can see the different clearly than before :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
award from Alyn !

yeaa..ive got an award..and it was from Alyn. Many thanx alyn..pls keep fwding me the award if any..hahaha:D
just like alyn, me also would like to share the award to my frens by fwding it to:
kak jun
and those who like to be a silent reader of mine ( ade jek..xkisah la..kot2la ade kan:D)

Friday, January 23, 2009
before n after ...
firstly, sorry bcoz i couldnt find the best picture to show my changes after consuming herbalife..its not bcoz too many picture to be selected but i just realize tht i dont have many photos tho..insyaAllah i'll try to get more:) i olwiz forgot to snap a picture of me n hubby..we just suddenly remember when we're at home while watching tv..but due to our tight schedule in front of the tv, we decided to take our photos when we're ready to outing :p...thats why we dont have many many excuses:D rather than nothing, here u go my before n after HERBALIFE piccas :D (malu plak nak tunjuk gbr before tuh:D)
~before- it was a month before consuming tht time, my SLE getting worse..look at my eyes..sembap is bcoz of the SLE symptom..i admit my eye was very sepet but still can see the different tau~
p/s 1: i'll try to get more piccas before n after (before byk since nak compare kena la amik gbr after lebih sket :D )
p/s 2: eh eh..dh mcm alyn la plak..ade ps1 ps2:p jgn marah eh alyn:D
actually just want to announce tht my BIL will launch his new website and its all about HERBALIFE n making money wth HERBALIFE..and lots of info about HERBALIFE..once the website is up, will let u know the address..tungguuu!! :)
lets the picture tell a story :)
~ i am watching aQeel..he was very2 excited when suddenly he saw a ***..pls scroll down:D~ ~he still eying that thing:p~
~ayah n aQeel enterframe~
~the signboard..~
~i counted the was 14 of them:D ...nasib ler xallergic..~

mix story without a specific title !
~arrival of my PIL~
~here u go..all in the picture accept azwa (hubby's sister)..dia yg amik gambo nih:D~

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tagged by Alyn!
hehe..kena tag lagi by Alyn..ths time, i am struggling to complete the tag..or else i will be punished..acah jek:D neway..actually i am confusing on the instruction given..xpaham pon yek:D but doesn't matter i guess as long as i complete it:D (sori ye alyn..hehe)
a. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
b. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
d. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
e. Put this on your blog.
1. If someone says, "Is this okay?"
-> rama-rama - ella
(ape kaitannya nih:D)
2. How would you describe yourself?
-> jikalau aku - ezlyn
(hmm..sounds better..konon2 bykla nak describe..ekekeke:P)
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
-> Tiga malam tanpa bintang - fiq
( pk la sdiri..)
4. How do you feel today?
-> Ketahuan - matta band
(no komen..)
5. What is your life's purpose?
-> andai ku tahu - ungu
(cewwahh..mcm xtau..:p)
6. What is your motto?
-> pencinta wanita - irwansyah
( apo kobondonyo ni..)
7. What do your friends think of you?
-> memburu impian - kristal
( ke korang pk camtuh?)
8. What do you think of your parents?
-> cahaya cinta - siti nurhaliza
(sesuaiii gitu:))
9. What do you think about very often?
-> biarlah rahsia - siti nurhaliza
(eh eh same ngn alyn la..perhaps we listen to the song at the same time..)
10. What is 2+2?
-> Kenangan terindah - samsons
(ape yg indah tah:D)
11. What do you think of your best friends?
-> mirae - kiroro
(my best fren doesn't know how to speak korea lang.)
12. What do you think of the person you like?
-> ada apa denganmu - peter pan
(seriously its not frm my heart ok ! )
13. What is your life?
-> samudera - nora
(umang aih..jgn la hidupku dilanda samudera..err samudera tu ape eh??)
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
-> melukut di tepian gantang - aishah
(uwaaaa..what d coincident..huhu)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
-> persis mutiara - mila
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
-> bersamamu - siti sarah
(err ..)
17. What will they play at your funeral?
-> cinta - amy mastura
(u ols kejam..lagu rancak plak tuh..huhu..)
18. What is your hobby/interest?
-> lelaki ini - anuar zain
(eh btol la..he is my interest...**toink.. )
19. What is your biggest fear?
-> dialah di hati - siti nurhaliza
(ape daaa.)
20. What is your biggest secret?
-> tak tahu - adam
21. What do you think of your friends?
-> hanya satu persinggahan - ekamatra
(err..hidup ni kan umpama persinggahan menuju ke alam yg kekal abadi..cewwah:D)
22. What will you post this as?
-> berdua lebih baik - acha septriasa
(ok la tuh..)
I'm going to tag: mira
yesss..finally i completed the task..pheww..**
p/s: afterall, then only i undestand what does the instruction required..haha

kek lapis asam hawflakes

ive baked 2 types..actually 1 adunan jek..but since i am using the self raising flour - > xmuat plak 1 loyang :D

Monday, January 19, 2009
chocolate cupcake
2 cawan tepung blue key (self-raising)
1 cawan gula
1 cawan susu pekat manis
1 cawan milo
1 cawan serbuk koko vochelle
4 biji telur ayam
1 cawan minyak masak
1 cawan air panas
1) masukkan semua bahan2 dalam mangkuk besar (mangkuk mixer pn bole)
2) kacau dengan sudip besar hingga sebati (jangan guna mixer.nanti telebih naik dia pecah..x lawo)
3) bila semua bahan2 dah sebati (dlm 5 minit je kot kacau)
4) then boleh ditapis adunan yag dah siap agar hasil nanti lebih halus dan cantekkkk
5) didihkan periuk pengukus dan kukus selama 40 minit or lebih (guna lidi utk cucuk kek tu..kalu xmelekat dh mask ler tuh..)
6) siap!...simple kan..

~ths is for my mom~
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tagged by Kimoira!
scenario: feel too sleeeeepy doing the never ending assignment! was thinking sumthing else to do instead of struggling typing the asst. (kalu typing je xpe..kena pk plak..argghhhh..penin..!)
case study: ive been tagged by kimoira a.k.a girgle (btol ke aku eja ni mira..ekekek). emm panjang giler nih..klu masa tu ade takat 2 minit jek..simpan dulu yek..lenkali br baca..xsempat! :D (poyo jek..mcm pjgnya smpai 2-3 pges:p)
REMARK: i choose 'him'
1. What is the relationship of you and him?
2. Your 5 impressions towards him
cool, funny,responsible, caring, loving (hubby msti kembang baca statement nih:D)
3. The most memorable things he had done for you?
emm..i cant think the MOST...but mostly whatever he had done were memorable :)
4. The most memorable things he have said to you?
**P&C - cannot be revealed :D (bole ke jwb camnih..hehehe)
5. If he become your lover, you will..
he is my lover tho..ouch;p
6. If he become your enemy, you will..
cant' imagine
7. If he become your lover, he has to improve on...
already became my lover..anyway..he has to be more romantic..hehe..toink..toink..toink..
8. If he become your enemy, the reason is...
same to #6
9. The most desirable thing to do on him is?
**P&C - cannot be revealed :D
10. The overall impression of him...
glad to be wth him ;)
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
no idea..shuld ask them this Q.
12. The character of you for yourself is?
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
emm..smpai sini blank la plak..
**harap maaf tdk dpt meneruskan jwpn seterusnya..baca je la soklan eh :D
p/s: mira lenkali tag soklan yg pendek2 udah ler..;p
14. The most person that you wanna be is?
15. For the people who care about and like you, say something about them.
16. Ten people to tag:-
17. Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
18. Is no. 3 a male or a female?
19. If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
20. How about no. 5 and 8?
21. What is no. 1 studying about?
22. Is no. 4 single?
23. Say something about no. 6

episod cinta 1
emmm aku rs aku nk buat countdown la..ha countdown ape tuh..hehe..countdown to anniversary aku yg ke 3…(bru 3 thun dh kecoss..ekeek:D) tp xkisah la aku..ekspresi perasaan aku..sukati aku la kan..haha;p
Biler anniversary aku eh? Jeng jeng..surprise..:p ok aku start dgn camne pertemuan aku n suamiku itu…
july 2003..kisah bermula bila aku ditempatkan di 1 company (kecik je xyah sebut la ek..bkn korang tau pn:p) utk mnjalani latihan industry..kira ni final year aku kt ukm..sblm aku menjejakkn kaki kt co. tu..alkisah..sume kwn2 aku dh dpt tpt utk buat LI ni..tpt best2 plak tuh..dbkl la..pnb la..petronas la…tp aku xdpt2 tpt yg aku dpt ni actually owner dia kwn bapak aku..dekat sgt ngn umah as a back up je la…aku still struggle cari tpt lain dgn harapan dpt la tpt best2 sket dh jodoh aku nk jmpe hubby aku kat situ kan..xde rezeki aku dpt tpt lain..akhirnya aku pasrah n redha je la..
so ape jadi seterusnya..ha tunggu la sambungannya minggu depan ok..uik..nape minggu dpn?? hehe..sukati la kan..aku saje je..nnti boring plak baca asyik ntry kisah cinta aku selang seli kan la dgn kisah lain kan..sooo..tungguuuu..:p
p/s: hope blog ni still ade utk tatapan dan pengetahuan anak cucu aku bila aku dh xde lagi kt dunia nih..waaa jauh pk tuh..ekekekek:D
p/s2: harap nk tulis dlm diari mmg xdok la kan..
Monday, January 12, 2009
quick update!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
erkk sakan soping baju raya n kuih raya..aku??

pilih punye pilih...pening berdebat ngn hubby design vs last aku amik yg ni...>xde dlm list langsung..mmg terror salesman (n hubby) menghasut ok la..aku agreed sbb features dia yg bgs compare to design nokia e71 yg aku minat tu..even design samsung ni so-so jek..

p/s: jth hati plak pd hp yg guna platform window..trus melupakan en i-phone..ekeke:D

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
while waiting the clock shows 10.00am (got tender evaluation meeting..huhu..tensee..hnnsss%&^*) i was 'digging' my thumb drive..anddddd...guess what..i found this..a memory of me+YGL's colleague..there were my buddies when i was in YGL..we had really pleasureable time..seems like the office was ours..muahahha..5 of us -> d only malay there..and here the story was began when i knew n wawa has some kind of chemistry..and few (lots actually) of our frens were know each other..seems like we're a bridge connecting our frens..hahaha..