yuhoo..lets cooking..hehhe..as i told before, i am addicted to cook lately:D last weekend, my hubby bought me new microwave..yippee..thanks to hubby:* buttttttt....even i just got new microwave, i didnt bake my cake using it:D anyway, last 2 days i baked (its not baked actually..i steamed it:p) 2 cakes..the 1st cake is originally cake (specifically asam duit layer cake) and the 2nd cake is not a cake..by rite i insist to make an apam..but once done i duno why its look like a cake and the taste also similarly to cake:D hehehe.but a little bit sweet..perhaps next time i hv to reduce the sugar..so tht my hubby will love to eat it (he dont like sweeeettt dish). so lets see how to make the renbo apam kek.. (nama pn renbow...it must be colorfull..yes i love to make it looks colorfull..tantek jek;))
This time i list down properly the ingredients:D (bcoz to make a cake, xleh agak2..must be exactly sukatan dia tuh..kalu x nnti bantut..but for the 1st attempt normal la tu bantut membantut nih..later dh dpt tuning expert la..practice make perfect;))
Ingredients needed:
1) 250gm castor sugar (mine a little bit sweet bcoz agak2 je..penimbang tepung xde..penimbang org ade la..huhu)
2) 2 biji telur
3) 1 sdk vanilla essence
4) 200ml fresh milk
5) 300gm tepung superfine
6) 1 sdk ovalette a.k.a sponge cake stabilizer (sume jenis kuih or apam yg gebu2 tu msti guna ni..even kuih sari ayu yg bulat wrna ijo atas dia kelapa tu pn guna this thing..emm tringin nak buat kuih tu tp how the acuan looks like huh??)
7) coloring - any types of pewarna yg diminati..i like all of the colors..tu yg jadi renbo tu..sume color nak buat:D
1) As usual, pukul telur + gula sampai kembang..can use mixer(perasan x, xde guna marjerin..tu beza apam n kek..kalu kek + je marjerin)
2) Drop in vanilla essence
3) Masuk plak ovalatte
** while mixed all those thing, dont stop the mixer..just tune down the speed
4) Agak2 dh kembang, masuk superfine flour berselang seli dgn fresh milk
5) Separate into 3 - or bape byk bhgian pn bole..ikut color yg nak digunakan..
6) masukkan dlm acuan layer by layer sampai abis..then finally guna lidi lorek2kan la..gunakan kecreativan anda..it will turn into something abstract and beautyful.
7) kukus +- 30-40 minutes..
so..this is how it looks like..hehehe..fancy kan:D

wess...lawo ah kek rainbow ko tu
especially yg kaler merah tu...stricking siottt..tertarik, menarik dan da bomb aku nak mkn..ekekek
hehehe..tu la..aku pn suka color pink tu;p
wei ingt sket ko tu dlm pantang..xleh mkn..ade telor..hehehhehe...
**bile la aku nak melawat ko n baby yek..huhu..bz la lately...
colourful nyer!!!
kompem jadik ke ni?
ha colorful tu yg best;) ..kalu ikut sukatan tu mmg confirm jadik..dia apam tau bkn kek..lembut n padat cam apam..xgebu mcm kek;)
p/s: guna penimbang yek..yg tu main agak jek tp still jadi..buat dlm cup pn bole..comel n lg sedap sbb dia kecik2..
kau...gila striking hehe
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